Minutes of Regular Board Meeting

January 16th, 2007 7:00 PM


Location:           Regional Office, Grand Falls-Windsor




Mr. Thomas Kendell (Chair)                              Ms. Cynthia Fleet, Director

Mr. Clar Brown                                                            Dr. Barbara Palmer

Mr. John George                                               Ms. Marina Hewlett (Recorder)

Mr. Hubert Langdon                                          Ms. Bonnie Lane McCarthy

Dr. Greg Woolfrey                                            Mr. Shawn Brace

Mr. Peter Budgell

Mr. Newman Harris

Ms. Ann Sparkes

Mr. Robert Hannaford




Ms. Audrey Whiteway

Mr. Peter Gibbons

Ms. Kim Cheeks

Mr. Scott Pritchett

Mr. Bill Sceviour

Mr. Kerry Noble

Mr. Charlie McCormack


1.         Welcome


The Chair welcomed the Board Members and informed the Board of Trustees that he had received a call from Mr. Bill Sceviour in which Mr. Sceviour informed him that he would be resigning from the Board.


2.         Approval of Agenda


Motion:            to approve the agenda as circulated (Langdon, Woolfrey).   Carried.


3.         Minutes of Meetings


            3.1        Regular Meeting December 19th, 2006


Motion:            to accept the minutes of the December 19th, 2006 meeting as circulated.  (Harris/George).  Carried.




4.         PEI Conference


The conference is January 25 – 27, 2007.  Trustees’ airline tickets were enclosed in the Board meeting folders.  A purchase order was issued to cover the costs of accommodations.  Registration has also been pre-paid.


5.         Trustee Professional Development Facilitated by Brenda Kelleher-Flight


The Chair reported that the past weekend had gone very well.  The next PD session for the Board of Trustees will be February 23, 2007. 


Overall board members found the weekend session to be excellent professional development.


6.         Executive Committee Report


The Chair reported on the discussion at the Executive Committee pertaining to Executive Committee minutes.  Trustees, through their evaluation forms, gave feedback that the Executive report does not provide enough detail.


The Executive Committee made the following motion:


“that to present the option to the board to either continue present Executive Committee reports or distribute a draft copy of the Minutes of the Executive meeting during a closed session of the board (Langdon/Noble).”  Carried.


Discussion followed around the wish of the Board members to ensure that all trustees have information discussed in Executive meetings.


Motion:                        to move into a closed session.  (Hannaford/Brown).  Carried.


Motion:                        to come out of the closed session.  (Budgell/George).  Carried.


7.         Director's Report


The Senior Management group has developed a management plan for the next two years.


The management plan deals with 5 issues.  The focus is on records management; specifically filing and storage of information.  The second is school leadership, with the intent of beginning a new leadership at work group as well as continuing the present.  The third is district office morale, and the fourth is the development of management policies.  The fifth is an internal communication protocol.  This does not negate other work of the Senior Management group.  The Assistant Directors are now developing work plans which outline reporting dates to the Director.


The Director suggested that the management plan containing the 5 items and student achievement update will be reported on at specific dates throughout the school year.  The Director also suggested that she would like to report on highlights from the schools on a fairly regular basis. 


The Director noted that Jim Cornish from Gander Academy was awarded the Prime Minister’s Award for Teaching Excellence.  The Board Chair and Director attended a special celebration given on his behalf.  The Board acknowledges the award presented to Mr. Cornish.


8.         Additional District Office Staff


The Director met with the Assistant Deputy Minister and he requested one change in the organizational chart.  The position descriptions for Senior Administrative Officer Corporate Affairs is not yet completed.


The Human Resources Division has advertised for a Senior Administrative Officer and a Human Resources Officer.


Three clerks will be hired for the Administration & Finance Division.


The Program Division will be hiring two Senior Education Officers (SEO’s) who will be located at the Gander and Grand Falls-Windsor offices respectively.  The principals will be reporting directly to the SEO’s.


Overall, Nova Central is requesting $454,000 of the 1.5 million announced by the Government in the March 2006 budget.


9.         Presentation on Restructuring


Grand Falls-Windsor Restructuring


The Director has suggested that because of declining enrolments a change is recommended to the 5 year restructuring plan.  That recommendation is to expand Woodland Primary to be the K-3 primary building for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor and Sprucewood Academy to be expanded to be the 4-6 elementary school for the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor.  Government officials have advised the Director that it will be difficult to have expansions completed for both buildings for September 2007.  Four meetings are planned with various stakeholders to discuss this recommendation: 

January 17th, - Review of capacity availability at Sprucewood.

January 23rd – meeting with parents in Grade 2 from Woodland Primary

January 23rd – Meeting with the Director of School Construction and Design

February 6th – meeting with parents of children 4, 5, 6, 7 years old


The Director and Chair met with the Town of Grand Falls-Windsor on January 16, 2007 to get an update on school restructuring.  The Director presented information on student population and possible changes to the 5 year restructuring plan.


Motion:                        to extend the meeting by 15 minutes.  (Brown/George).  Carried.


10.        Infrastructure Update


·         Gander Academy

The Principal of Gander Academy contacted the Assistant Director of Programs concerning the demands on space because of increasing enrolments.  The Director will do a tour of the school and report back to the Board.

·         Gill Memorial Academy

January 22, 2007 the Director will meet with the school council Musgrave Harbour.

·         Jane Collins Academy and William Mercer Academy

January 31 the Director will meet with the School Councils from Hare Bay and Dover.

·         Valmont Academy

-     January 29th the Director will meet with concerned parents from Valmont Academy.

-     The Director presented a report prepared by Mr. Paul Matheson.  The report outlines a number of possible bussing plan options for the Valmont Academy high school students who are scheduled as per the 5-year restructuring plan to attend Indian River High at Springdale in September 2007.

·         Gander Collegiate

The contractor has requested an extension to the completion date.

·         St. Stephen’s, Rencontre East

The expected completion date is January 31st with the official opening tentatively scheduled for February 19th.

·         Botwood Collegiate Extension

Total occupancy is scheduled for January 31st.

·         Memorial Academy, Botwood

The delivery of windows is scheduled for January 31st with the installation expected to be completed by the end of February.

·         Indian River High – Roofing

The roof is now weather tight.  The completion depends on the weather.

·         MSB Regional Academy – Office Area Renovations

Due to be completed by March 31st.

·         MSB Regional Academy – Extension and Renovations

Waiting for information from the Department of Education.

·         MSB Regional Academy – Siding/Windows

To be tendered by the Department of Education and included with the tender for siding and windows.

·         Dorset Collegiate – Extension/Renovations

Waiting for information from the Department of Education.

·         A.R. Scammell – Window Replacement

This project has been completed.

·         Board Office – Renovations and Electric Heat Upgrade

The offices are now occupied and the electric heat is expected to be completed by mid February.

·         Gander Collegiate – Roof

This project is now completed.

·         Gander Academy – Fire Safety Upgrade

This phase is now completed.

·         Leading Tickles New School

This project is now completed and was occupied October 2006.

·         Lewisporte Collegiate – Roof

This project is now completed.

·         Glovertown Academy -  Electrical service repairs

This project is now completed.


·         Long Island Academy, Beaumont – Oil Tank Removal

This project is now completed.

·         Additional Projects that will be completed by March 31st:

St. Paul’s Intermediate, Gander - code compliance work cafeteria

Sprucewood Academy, Grand Falls-Windsor – new intercom system

Memorial Academy, Botwood – new intercom system

J. M. Olds Collegiate, Twillingate – locker replacement


11.        Correspondence


A letter from the Minister of Education informed the Board that their request for name change will be examined shortly.


Agenda items for the next Regular Board Meeting, February 20, 2007:


1.         Requests for Construction of School Board Property re:  Gander Academy

·         Airials Gymnastics Club

·         Town of Gander

2.         Director’s Report

3.         School Restructuring

·         Report on Parent Meeting at Valmont Academy, King’s Point

·         Direction for Grand Falls-Windsor

4.         Capital Projects – Update

5.         Strategic Plan – Update

6.         Review of Schools Already Restructured


12.        Date of Next Meeting


The next regular board meeting will be held on February 20th, 2007, 7:00 PM at District Office, Gander.


12.        Adjournment


Motion:            to adjourn the meeting 10:24 PM (Hannaford).  Carried




_____________________________                          ____________________________

Thomas Kendell                                                            Marina Hewlett

Chair                                                                            Recorder

